Trinity River Arts Center, in Partnership with KD Studio, is now offering a “Social Skills on the Stage” class. This course offers an opportunity for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to learn and practice social interactions and interpersonal communication skills through theatre games and exercises. Students will rehearse the imaginary circumstances of plays, and the “real-life” circumstances of the world they encounter outside of the classroom and the theatre.

The aim of the class is to…
Help students to enhance their ability to verbally and nonverbally communicate in common, socially interactive settings. Use fundamental acting training which will help students to discover social goals, recognize social obstacles, use communicative tactics, and arrive at realistic expectations in order to cognitively lead the student outside of themselves and into the dramatic world of the script and the dramatic world of society. Help the student approach and competently handle various interpersonal scenarios which will be encountered throughout their lives.

The course is taught by seasoned theatre teachers and artists and supervised by a licensed speech-language pathologist. Each course is eight weeks in length. For ages 16 to 30.

Classes held on Saturdays from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Classes at: KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts
KD Conservatory
2600 North Stemmons Frwy Suite 117
Dallas, Texas 75207

Mike Schrader – Director